Record of updates

live site is at here

But first (we hope)


Plans for next steps

  1. Complete automating backend data updates - subsections complete except graph legends
  2. Code sub-section analysis by chemical (underway) - example for Bet2Agonists below
  3. Organise access by chapter, with multiple versions (Items/Cost & Quantity) per subsection - mostly done
  4. Implement SSL/TLS for https" TODO"
  5. Add HB level data, (then cluster level) --- TODO
  6. Implement feedback system" TODO"
  7. Add back to home buttons to pages" TODO"
  8. Sort out aesthetics for landing page" TODO"
  9. Make page 'findable' by web-crawlers" TODO"
  10. For graphs: a. sort out legends, b. add %age of chapter total and latest monthly total to graph, to give better context
  11. Comparison with England ------- TODO
  12. Start work on Adherence section -------- TODO
  13. Preparation for possible HB level versions